How it works!

By using technology we make it easy for you to turn good intention into good actions.

The app introduces all users to an impactful and safe bystander intervention method promoted by NGO Right To Be.

When a user experiences harassment, they can call other users nearby for support. If the users accept, they will come to the caller and help them exit the situation.

With the app, you'll be able to support others experiencing harassment. And of course you'll also be able to call the community for support when YOU need it.

Learn how the app works from both a caller and backup perspective. To understand even more details - see our FAQ.

Become a backup

Download the app and create an profile.

Complete the 3-minute training in bystander intervention and answer a few follow up questions - then you're ready to be a backup!

Follow us on Instagram and TikTok to keep up and get inspiration on how to use the intervention method.

Unlock call feature

if you want to be able to call for backup, unlock the call feature.

If you only want to act as a backup, you can skip this step.

Calling for backup

Press the call button if you're in a situation where you'd like someone to help you exit.

We'll locate and notify the 20 app users closest to you.

Backups on their way

Backups nearby will receive a notification from letting them know you're calling for backup.

They can either accept or decline the call. The first 5 will be guided to your location and be reminded of the 5Ds on their way to you.

Being a backup

First job will be to find the caller - which can be difficult, but we'll help you.

Based on what you see choose the intervention strategy you feel is most efficient. You'll get suggestions in the app on how to backup.

Your and your callers safety is the most important thing, so choose a strategy that will de-escalate the situation.

A strategy is also to postpone intervening until other backups arrive.

Ending the call

When you're have exited the situation - with or without a backup - end the call.

You will be asked to provide some feedback, so we can learn and improve

Something wrong?

After participating in a call as either a backup or a caller, you will be able to file a report on other participants if you had a bad experience.

Reporting is anonymous and can be filed up to 14 days after the call took place.